Juried Arts & Crafts Village Guidelines and Application

Applications Close: August 15, 2025. No Refunds after August 15, 2025 or no show on the day of the festival

Booth Fee: $60 per 10 x 10 ft. space, limit 2 spaces. Limited electricity available at an additional cost of $15/booth


Set Up / Take Down: Booths must be set up by 9 a.m., Saturday, September 20, 2025. Take down is immediately following the festival close at 6 pm. No early take downs.

Booth Assignment: Booth assignments are made by the grounds /logistics and Campbell Culture Coalition and Festival Logistics. Booth spaces are marked and numbered.

SALES TAX: The Festival is a service project of the Campbell Culture Coalition (C3), a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We are not responsible for nor do we collect sales tax, however, the Tennessee Dept. of Revenue may require us to submit your name and address in advance. It is your responsibility to comply with state sales tax law.

Indemnification: Exhibitor, artist, crafter, non-profit or any organization contracting for or using booth space shall and will indemnify and hold harmless the Campbell Culture Coalition, Cove Lake State Park, Cumberland Trail State Park, and any and all persons acting as Festival staff, promoters, or volunteers from and against any and all liability, claims, thefts, demands, expenses, fees, fines, and penalties, suits, proceedings, actions and causes of action of any and every kind and nature arising or growing out of or in any way connected with exhibitor/artist/crafter/non-profit’s use of booth space during said Festival.

Exhibitor/artist/crafter/non-profit entity acknowledges and agrees to abide by all rules and regulations.

Contact Nelsie Wooden for more information. Phone: 423.871.1003; e-mail: wooden6@bellsouth.net