Family NATURE-ing
Children of all ages and their families join us as we explore the Great Outdoors with hands-on demonstrations of outdoor skills explore the good earth around us.
Nature breeds curiosity and reminds us that we are part of something bigger.
Family NATURE-ing Activities at the 2024 Festival
The Nature Area Crafts Tent will have 3 scheduled Arts activities. Each session is 1/hr and Fun for all Ages.
11:00 am - Take Home Leaf Butterflies
12:30 pm - Recyclable Art with Jim Anderson
2:00 pm - Fish Imprinting with Kathy Dewein
Other Activities Include:
Scouts BSA Troop 310 & Cub Pack 108: A variety of hands-on outdoor skills (archery, pollinator garden featuring return of the American Chestnut tree; Stewart Thacker - certified angling instructor for the Great Smoky Mountain Council of Boy Scouts who teaches fishing basics, fish identification, and most importantly, how to fish with a conservation mindset - will demonstrate) - Chris Thacker, Troop leader 310 leader/Cody Phillips, Pack Leader 108 leader
Inspiring Connections Outdoors: Animal skulls and insect identification (A program of the Sierra Club/Harvey Broome Group, Knoxville) - Mac Post, Leader
East Tennessee Environmental Educators: the University of Tennessee brings a variety of hands-on STEM activities - Michael McKinney, Director of Environment Studies at UTK, Leader
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library: Get your photo made with Dolly (cardboard cutout), enjoy even more books, and sign-up for your own books at home with Imagination Library! - Nelsie Wooden, Chair
The Louie Bluie Learning Library: A quiet area to sit in the grass and read books about nature at beautiful Cove Lake State Park.
Hands-on Activities:
Girl Scouts of America Troop 20279 creating take-home leaf butterflies!
Scouts BSA Female Troop 435: Leaf imprints, birds, animals, and more - Liz White, Leader.
Kathy Dewin: will be doing fish imprinting activities.
Jim Anderson: will have sessions on Recyclable Art and caring for the Earth around us.